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Grand Canyon Beverage Company


Prompt: Create a campaign for the spring finals week specialty menu


Client: GCBC; Grand Canyon Beverage company is Grand Canyon Univerisity’s on-campus coffee shop. Their mission is to provide food and drinks that invigorate students to grow GCU’s culture through fellowship, community, and service.


Media: Print, Social Media, and Digital


Challenge: Create an engaging campaign that invited campus comradery and college pride. Craft drink names and ingredients based on colleges. 


Solution: With the challenge of creating drinks based on the colleges I was inspired to create a concept that personified the drinks and brought them to life. The designs and copy work together to create an environment and let the students see themself in the drinks. I designed compositions that compiled inside jokes, interests, or commonalities shared in the colleges, giving students something to relate to and create buzz around.


Jason Boesel, Project Lead  

Diana Cheek, Art Director 

Rachel den Dulk, Designer  

Ireland Fleck, Copywriter

Sarah Verdugo, Copywriter


© 2022 by Rachel den Dulk

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